
Chapter 1.2: Adorableness

  Storytime with mummy Flashcards on the cold bathroom floor because that's just sims logic Playing with toys Samantha helps her son with blocks play doing shapes Soon Baby 2 was born, Meet Ana. another point. Lewis works out in the new gym. The toilet just loves to break. Lewis gets promoted He bonds with his son Samuel plays with toys Samantha gets promoted Little Ana became a toddler she's angelic. Lewis did flashcards with Ana in the bathroom Ana and Samuel are quite close and are always chatting to one another Lewis did some running Megan was born. 3 points to the family toddler skilling is so much fun Ana likes to play dinosaurs Promotions Ana also likes to dance Samuel became a child. He learnt all the toddler skills so is a top notch toddler, 5 points. He is Active and wants to be a rambunctious scamp.

Chapter 1.1- A Interesting Start

Hello everyone and welcome to yet another challenge. I decided to start a name game this time. This is my founder and Simself Samantha Sims. She is a bookworm, clumsy and a geek. 15 points down I have had strange Ville for ages yet not played in the town so she moved to a starter home there. she also got a job she likes to play games on her laptop too Soon it was Spouse hunting time so she headed to the local bar to meet someone Samantha hit it off with Lewis Loyd and they soon started dating. Lewis is self-assured, a kleptomaniac and dance machine. He also has a job too in the military at level 4. They soon moved into together and their first home was bluith. Samantha loves to watch her boyfriend do his workouts Baby 1 of 8 was soon on its way Samantha also likes to workout she is doing great at work Lewis enjoys jogging around town Samantha got promoted. Little Samuel was